It's not that I hate getting up in front of people and speaking, it's more like I wish I could be taken up into heaven in the arms of my sweet, sweet Jesus than speak in front of people. My job is definitely stretching me, which is probably a good thing. However, I must confess that the thought of having to get up and try and bestow wisdom upon unsuspecting college students makes me want to make a huge doodie in my pants. If I picture them naked will I get fired?
The workshop I'm giving is on a topic I like to call "Singleness". I'm opening my little hour o' fun with a 3 minute session of speed dating. It's my workshop I get to do what I want to do!! After that, I'm going say a prayer and dismiss. Other than this looming speaking engagement things are going well.
My niece turns 1 years old next month. That's really hard for me to believe. I remember piling into the Element, me in the cargo space covered in pillows, and taking the little rugrat home. Now she is quoting Meatwad like the best of them and attempting to walk, which is really just standing there teetering precariously. It's kinda like a top before it stops spinning, it wobbles erradically and then finally spazzes out. I love her so much!
I saw the movie "Little Miss Sunshine" last night with Jen. It was seriously one of the best movies I've ever seen. The Grandpa throws down some "effers", but apart from that it's awesome. I would recommend it to anyone. Anyways, I'm out.