Sunday, October 01, 2006

Fall Retreat

"It was guts and then there was babies."--Jennifer Mahoney

So, Fall Retreat was really fun. I have to admit I was a little apprehensive at first, I mean I haven't been in a few years, but I had a really great time. I got to get to know some more of the CCH "kids" and hang out with some friends. Okay, here's a play by play of a few choice moments:

During the first main session/worship time, there was a girl who really liked to get her groove on for the Lord. I mean it was highly distracting. I'm glad she feels that free to worship, but it took all I had not to stare or silently giggle. I'm horrible, I know.

There was a guy that walked around without a shirt, a necklace with some kind of animal teeth on it, and some animal teeth arm bands, and moccasins. The rest of the retreat I called him "Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman," even though clearly he is a man. I don't know what his deal was. Hippies...

Jen drove Crystal Coakley to the dorm to get her stuff so she could stay with us in the retreat center and when they pulled up, it was pitch black mind you, they saw a couple making out in front of the dorm. The guy runs away behind the dorm and leaves the girl there who pretended that nothing happened. Whatever, hoochie!!

After choosing our room in the retreat center and attempting to settle down for the first evening, Christina Hahn says, "You guys, there is a huge spider on the wall." Thinking she was kidding, I roll over to the other side of the bed to investigate. I then ran to the bathroom and shut the door because she was not kidding. Seriously, that thing was humongous and was really hairy. I got brave enough to walk out of the bathroom, grab my stuff, and say "I'm changing rooms!" Mahoney, Christina, and Crystal Coakley grabbed their stuff and we all went to a different room. Mahoney and Christina went back to try and kill it and we heard a loud thunk, that would have been Christina throwing a Bible at the spider to kill it, and then we heard Christina say, "Oh my God, it was pregnant!!!", then we heard the sound of running feet. This was at 1:30am. Spider babies were crawling all over the walls, it was disgusting. This is what prompted the aforementioned quote at the top of the page.

My workshops went really well. Speed dating was a lot of fun, I even got in there a few times. One of the guys I "dated" had a mohawk and seemed pretty normal, that is until free time came around. He spent the rest of the afternoon wearing these obscenely short shorts, I'm talking he could give Tobias a run for his money. The rest of the day all I could say when I saw him was, "I can't believe I ever went out with him." All in all it was a blast and one of the girls told me I was an answer to her prayers that she had been praying all summer, which was pretty cool. It really made me see how God is using me in this ministry. He is so good!

Oh, and Janae, I told Dave what you told me to tell the singles group and he laughed his head off.

The End


Blogger Janae Robertson said...

Ewwww, I bet it was a wolf spider. Those things are huge and hairy, and they can jump like 5 feet....shudder....I'm glad to know the Word of our Lord and Savior was used for death and was defouled with the guts of one of God's creatures

...I would've done the same thing...

12:54 PM


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